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Council Summaries - Nov. 5 and 19, 2024

Individuals and media outlets are encouraged to contact the City Administrator for additional details or clarification on the following material. Regular meetings of the Crete City Council are held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall; Council Standing Committees may meet prior. View a list of City Officials and current council and committee meeting agendas.


The next Crete City Council regular meeting will be on Tuesday, Dec. 3


Summary for Crete City Council regular meeting - Tuesday, Nov. 19
View this Meeting Agenda and attachments.

Council Member Kyle Frans was absent.

The council approved the Consent Agenda items:

  • Minutes of the following meetings: Emergency City Council Oct 9, City Council Nov. 5, Public Works Committee Nov. 5, Finance Committee Nov. 5, Legislative/Community Development Committee Nov. 5, Personnel Committee Nov. 5, Public Safety Committee Nov. 5
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Approve Yazmin Belk as new member of Crete Volunteer Fire Department.
  • Payment of claims against the City 

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the employee policy manual amendments.

City Administrator Tom Ourada explained in the Personnel Committee meeting prior this item included terminology changes from ‘Clerk-Treasurer’ to ‘Finance Director’ in several places as well as increasing provided uniforms from 3 to 5; a change which mostly affects field crews.

The Council voted 5-0 to waive three readings and adopt Ordinance 2221 Amending Ordinance 2219 to include hearing findings. City Attorney Anna Burge explained this adds findings from the Public Hearing.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the Crete Carrier Room Grant Application for Apace Choir on Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2024. Mayor Dave Bauer encouraged anyone who is available to attend this event as this group from Apace (formerly called Region V) works very hard to prepare this concert and their faces light up when they perform for people.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the bid from RAFA Roofing for the roof/facade replacement at the Municipal Airport. Ourada said this item was recommended by the Airport Advisory Board.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the cost of service and rate design study letter proposal from JK Energy Consulting, LLC.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the General Administration Agreement between the City of Crete and Southeast Nebraska Development District for the Crete Downtown Revitalization 24DTR001.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the Construction Management Agreement between the City of Crete, Nebraska and Southeast Nebraska Development District for the Crete Downtown Revitalization 24DTR001.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the General Administration Agreement between the City of Crete, Nebraska and Southeast Nebraska Development District for the Crete Public Works Infrastructure 24PWI004.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the Construction Management Agreement between the City of Crete and Southeast Nebraska Development District for the Crete Public Works Infrastructure 24PWI004.

The Council voted 4-0 (Papik abstained) to approve approving the Crete Ace Hardware claims in the amount of $2,399.26.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the proposed policy regarding advisory board members attending meetings virtually. Council member Anthony Fitzgerald said members would be allowed to attend virtually, however, they are not considered part of the quorum if attending virtually.

The Council voted 5-0 to table for more information to following item: authorize the Fire Department to apply for the AFG grant.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the Department of Public Works Utility account write off in the amount of $10,521.06.  Mayor Bauer explained the city has done everything it can to collect these unpaid balances from old accounts and now the auditor is saying it is time to get these off the books.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the LB840 Application from Eric Thornburg/Edward Jones for 1344 Main Ave in the amount up to $75,000.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the LB840 Application from Air Methods in the amount not to exceed $50,000.

The Council voted 5-0 to table Ordinance 2224 Adding regulations for mobile food vendors. Changes will be made to this proposed ordinance.

The Council voted 5-0 to waive three readings and adopt Ordinance 2225 amending permission for structures in public right of way. Ourada said this was necessitated by several recent issues, including contractor equipment occupying right-of-way for a long time; staff looked at other communities for best practices in working with these situations.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the request from Angelica Ortiz for increased DTR funds for 1239 Main Ave. Fitzgerald said the new amount should be really close to the final allotment.

Petition - Communication - Citizen Concern:

Officer Reports:

Reports may be given by Officers, Departments, Committees, or Council members concerning the current operations of the City. No action can be taken on matters presented under this title except to answer any questions or to refer the matter for further action.

  • Gary Young, Police Chief:
    •  the department is ahead of schedule for records management changeovers needed  with Saline County Sheriff’s Office and they are looking at a start date of April 1 with a dispatch change; they are working with city IT personnel Mike Kalkwarf and Emerson Aschoff on mobile data applications and licenses;
    • driving training was held at Tuxedo Park with Saline County Sheriff’s deputies on gravel and paving to simulate situations officers would face; Crete Officer Will DeHart is our new driving instructor and he and Sgt. Lincoln Morehouse did a great job;
    • Nebraska Game and Parks used the police station for deer check-in and the department is happy to help out - hunters are able to get out of the cold;
  • Jessica Wilkinson, Library Director:
    • “No Two Persons” author Erica Bauermeister talked with group of more than 80 people on Nov. 16;
    • recently the library hosted 42 programs with 2,892 participants;
    • started a board game library;
    • winter book sale starting Dec. 1;
    • princess tea party on Saturday, Nov. 23;
  • Liz Cody, Parks and Recreation Director: 
    • Tuxedo Park’s camping and other facilities are closed for winter;
    • food bank for November is moved from Thursday to Wednesday, Nov. 27 as well as shifting to the winter route inside the park, avoiding Rodeo Rd.;
    • arborist certification requirements continue;
  • Council member Tom Crisman asked about street tarring and progress on railroad crossings, which are both ongoing;
  • Council member Ashley Newmyer said the library’s author event was great and Library Director Jessica Wilkinson did a great job on 1011’s Pure Nebraska spot last week;
  • Council member Anthony Fitzgerald asked about the solar farm progress on Highway 103 South;
  • Tom Ourada, City Administrator:
    • he congratulated Community Assistance Director Marilyn Schacht on organizing Crete’s official certification as a 2-star Welcoming Community - the first in Nebraska.  He said we have new people in our community and while he won’t address immigration, we as a city can be proactive and help people be assets to the community and contributors, as opposed to consuming more services than they help provide for. The Welcoming auditors interviewed helpful partners, including Crete Public Schools, Public Health Solutions, CAMC, and Center for Rural Affairs; auditors were impressed with the office and the community. Marilyn helps guide people to jobs, whether here or in other communities if they can’t find it here, so they are not burdening our resources;
    • working on zoning changes for a complete overhaul to help address housing and other issues; this will be a year process before adoption;
    • City Attorney Anna Burge, City Clerk Nancy Tellez, and Finance Director Wendy Thomas went to Washington D.C in October and came back with a wealth of information and opportunities for grants. Tom asked them to present to the Mayor and Council - They shared the following:
      • Crete was selected for the Thriving Communities Program - a 3-year program for financial and technical assistance programs and was the only community in Nebraska represented; they met with Department of Transportation staff and looked at grants for Crete’s needs, as well as technical assistance for future grants;  
      • Crete is prioritizing a pedestrian crossing at Highway 33/103 and on Iris Ave. at the high school; they worked with and will continue to seek assistance from capacity builders like grant writers and engineers who will look at the issues;
      • Anna was in contact with a government liaison with BNSF who looked at the Main Ave railroad crossing and said is was okay with normal wear; next will be a transportation inspection not affiliated BNSF;
  • Mayor Dave Bauer
    • thanked Marilyn for everything she does, she is busy and does a good job;
    • thanked Anna, Nancy, and Wendy who went to Washington; then you came back and are taking action on priorities.

Meeting adjourned.


Summary for Crete City Council regular meeting - Tuesday, Nov. 5
View this Meeting Agenda and attachments.

The council approved the Consent Agenda items:

  • Minutes of the following meetings: City Council Oct. 15, Finance Committee Oct. 15, Legislative/Community Development Committee Oct. 15, Public Safety Committee Oct. 15
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Payment of claims against the City 
  • Meeting Minutes: Crete Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department August and September, Airport Advisory Board Aug. 8, Planning Commission Aug. 26

The Council voted 6-0 to approve the Application for a permit to occupy City of Crete Right-of-Way from Black Hills Energy. 

The Council voted 6-0 to waive three readings and approve Ordinance 2220 Sale of City Farm Property. This ordinance is required by state law to sell city property and requires a 30-day remonstrance period.

The Council voted 6-0 to approve Resolution 2024-23 Year-End Certification of City Street Superintendent 2024.

The Council voted 6-0 to approve the Highway Safety Grant Application from the Crete Police Department. Police Chief Gary Young explained the department ordered a new patrol car with the new budget year; part of the budget included mobile radar for about $2,400. This grant could save about $1,200 of that cost.

The Council voted 6-0 to approve the Request for Contract Amendment CDBG #20-DTR-002 to extend the original contract end dates from October 4, 2024, to January 4, 2025. City Administrator Tom Ourada explained this is the fourth extension the city has requested; the city will spend the money with two applicants who were previously not awarded, then it will be done. 

The Council voted 6-0 to approve the Invitation to Bid for the "Walnut Creek Sewer Repair" project. 

  • Ourada said this is the first of two parts for this project. JEO’s Dane Simonsen spoke to the Public Works Committee on this project near near 22nd and Kingwood Ave. where an aerial sewer support was damaged and temporarily fixed. JEO proposed a 16-inch steel casing across Walnut Creek with an 8-inch sewer line inside. The city’s federal ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds could be used on water and sewer projects if a contract is approved by the end of the year; city sewer reserve funds will also be used.
  • Dale Strehle, Committee chair, said they recognized this was put together quickly and recommended this item.

The Council voted 6-0 to approve the Walnut Creek Aerial Sewer Bid Documents.

The Council voted 6-0 to approve the amended Stehlik Administrative subdivision, now titled Stehlik Family Acres. City Attorney Anna Burge explained the county denied the original submission as the surveyor had not checked with the county on the name; this also clarifies the triangular piece of property on the left side is also part of the submission.

The Council voted 6-0 to waive three readings and adopt Ordinance 2222, as approved in the Public Works Committee, amending sewer department billing and collecting. Ourada said this changes how sewer rates are calculated from the months of December January, and February, rather than the old way with the ‘lowest three months,’ which is typically the same.

The Council voted 6-0 to approve a relaxation from sidewalk placement on Iris Ave at Eastgate Drive. Ourada said the rest of the sidewalks in this area of Iris are consistent with state standards, but contrary to city standard. The new sidewalks will match the existing sidewalks.

The Council voted 6-0 to approve Resolution 2024-24 Authorizing the termination of the Emergency Medical Services Tiered Response Agreement and negotiation of ALS Transfer Agreement.

  • Ourada explained this is from council action and discussion between Mayor Dave Bauer, himself, City Attorney Anna Burge, and CAMC’s Stephanie Boldt and Julie Lacey; they were amicable to work with and parties agreed to a three-month transition period away from paramedic assistance. They will enter negations for an ALS transfer assistance agreement.
  • Kyle Frans, Finance Committee chair, said they were happy with how we all came together to look at data and weigh what was best for the city as a whole.

The Council voted 6-0 to approve Fire Department grant application for additional ARPA funds. James Yost, Assistance Fire Chief, explained this equipment grant was initially denied in 2022 and has now been awarded from unused funds. The department proposed purchasing three new Lucas chest compression devices to outfit all three ambulances; the department currently has two older Lucas devices across its three ambulances that the manufacturer will no longer service.

The Council voted 6-0 to approve the Fire Department purchasing Lucas devices.

The Council voted 6-0 to waive three readings and adopt Ordinance 2223 Amending non union salaries. Ourada said this change increases the wage of the airport manager, with the possibly for a new manager who is also a fixed -base operator and airplane and avionics mechanic.

Petition - Communication - Citizen Concern:

Officer Reports:

Reports may be given by Officers, Departments, Committees, or Council members concerning the current operations of the City. No action can be taken on matters presented under this title except to answer any questions or to refer the matter for further action.

  • Gary Young, Police Chief:
    • trick or treat at the high school was successful, a lot of folks ran out of candy, we appreciate all the support we’ve had to make that work;
    • will see other K9 units in town; Captain Jon Pucket is assisting other agencies with their patrol certifications; ours is coming up in two months and good to have that time with others;
    • Thursday was a nice outing at the range with our firearms instructor and others who put on a training; these events help build cohesiveness between our agencies and we appreciate their help and support to move forward;
  • Tod Allen, Fire Chief:
    • introduced prospective new member Yazmin Belk, a freshman at Doane University from Hanford, California; she is majoring in sociology with a minor in psychology; she is also a wrestler and a member of several campus groups;
    • thank you for the Lucas devices - we use them a lot;
    • the new grass rig will be ready within the month;
  • Jessica Wilkinson, Library Director:
    • 200 people attended the library’s Bluey program and Zoraida Ramos’ son was in the costume;
    • winter book sale and princess tea party events are coming up;
    • we’ve added a puppet theatre to the children’s area of the library;
    • concrete pad poured for musical instruments in Library Park;
    • adding two new book clubs, science fiction and historical fiction;
  • Liz Cody, Parks and Recreation Director: 
    • the city received materials for a tree nursery and 32 new trees were planted on the south side of Doane’s campus to be further located to other sites within city parks; a few extra shrubs and trees were donated to Doane’s campus;
    • wildlife watching opportunities grant is being drafted;
    • upcoming arborist training and certification for employees;
    • Parks staff have closed campgrounds as of Nov. 1; the groundskeeper is winterizing sites;
    • Tuxedo Park will be closed to outside traffic from Nov 13-16 for a training event;
  • Ashley Newmyer, Council member, asked if there is a traffic study going on. Ourada said NDOT (Nebraska Department of Transportation) is conducting a study this week.
  • Tom Ourada, City Administrator:
    • the city is off next Monday for Veteran’s Day;
    • sales tax finished a little over $2.5M, higher than projections even with a number of requested refunds;
    • couple interested parties in the city’s buildings on Main Ave.; there are two people who each have plans for one side - will talk about solutions with Mayor Bauer;
    • JK Energy will provide a proposal on a cost-of-electric-service study;
    • the city has been active on nuisance properties and hearings and will have five more this month;
    • Anna Burge, Nancy Tellez, and Wendy Thomas will be asked to give a recap of their Washington D.C. trip at the next meeting, he wanted it this meeting, but Wendy had a conflict as she was receiving an award as the Cornhusker State Games Female Athlete of the Year;
    • the city is promoting LB840 projects on social media and in The Crete News; this program will sunset next year and will need to be renewed by vote; the city can spend money to promote until it’s on the ballot, after which the city can only provide information;
    • we have strong interest in an airport manager who is also a mechanic and fixed-base operator;
  • Mayor Dave Bauer said he will consider new council standing committee assignments for approval in December.

Meeting adjourned.