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Council Summaries - Oct. 4 and Oct. 18, 2022

Individuals and media outlets are encouraged to contact the City Administrator for additional details or clarification on the following material. Regular meetings of the Crete City Council are held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall; Council Standing Committees may meet prior. View a list of City Officials and current council and committee meeting agendas.

The next Crete City Council regular meeting will be Tuesday, Nov. 1.


Summary for Crete City Council regular meeting - Tuesday, Oct. 18
View this Meeting Agenda and attachments

Council member Travis Sears was absent.

The council approved the Consent Agenda items:

  • Minutes of the following meetings: City Council Oct. 4, Public Works Committee Oct. 4, Legislative and Economic Development Committee Oct. 4, Parks and Recreation Committee, Oct. 4, Personnel Committee Oct. 4
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Payment of claims against the City  
  • Approve Mayor Appointments 
    • Appointment of Linda Unger to the Cemetery Board. 
    • Appointment of all members of the former Airport Authority to the Airport Advisory Board. 
    • Approve the Crete Public Library's request to have alcohol served at the 'Meet the Author' event on October 22, 2022 in the Library Community Room. 

Human Resources Director Wendy Thomas introduced the city’s newest police officer, Melanie Martinez, who is from Fremont. City Clerk Jerry Wilcox read the oath to swear in Officer Martinez and she was presented her badge by Mayor Dave Bauer.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve Henry Perez and Kaidan Smith as new members of the Fire Department. A motion was made to reconsider this item, at which time Ron Schroder’s name was removed from the original motion as he is not a candidate for membership at this time.

  • Tod Allen was present with the newest members and a member who recently finished the department’s preliminary probationary period. Kaidan Smith and Henry Perez are both Crete High School graduates; Smith is currently a Doane student; Carissa Moore has completed the 6-month probationary period. Allen explained the department votes for each new member again after 6 months to consider whether they have completed required training.

The Council voted 5-0 to accept the quote from Environmental Services Inc. to perform asbestos testing on the six Hazard Mitigation properties for the amount of $1,750.

  • City Administrator Tom Ourada explained this testing is for all six properties the city has negotiated to buy on Main Ave. between 18th and 20th Streets that remain in the flood plain after the new FEMA map goes into affect. Federal law requires testing for this program.

The Council voted 5-0 to authorize the Police Department to apply for an NDOT Highway Safety Mini-Grant for a radar unit. Lt. Gary Young explained this is the usual grant process the department uses to get a break on the cost of equipment purchases. Public Safety Committee member Dale Strehle said anytime departments can utilize grants is a good thing.

The Council voted 5-0 to authorize the Police Department to apply for an NDOT Highway Safety Mini-Grant for an in-car camera.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve amendments to the Master Fee Schedule to update garbage, water, and electric rates. 

  • Ourada explained that technically these have all been approved by the council or council committees singularly: garbage collection rates are in the 5 year contract with The Garbage Company - Waste Connections; water and electric rates were covered in reviewed/approved rate studies.

The Council voted 5-0 to adopt Resolution 2022-11: A resolution accepting the new Flood Insurance Rate Map.

            Ourada stated that this item has been reviewed over several years by several committees and Mayor Bauer and through that they have reviewed the work Olsson Associates has done. The council accepted the new FEMA map in June and this item states the effective date for this map as Oct. 27, 2022. Ourada pointed out this new map eliminates a very large portion of properties from the flood plain, including nearly all residential properties aside from several blocks in North Crete.

Petition - Communication - Citizen Concern: 

Citizen testimony may be limited to 3 minutes per person. Please do not repeat testimony that has already be heard. No action can be taken on matters presented under this title except to answer any questions or to refer the matter for further action.

  • David Solheim, 929 Hawthorne Ave, is a local attorney who spoke about his campaign for Saline County Attorney, in which he is running unopposed. His intent is to operate the office with an open door policy; public safety is the primary responsibility of the county attorney and Crete’s lucky to have a good police department and a good working structure. He wants a strong outreach to the other communities in the county and with the sheriff’s office. He said through his own private law practice he won’t be able to handle any more family law cases and that will continue to be a huge need in the community.

Officer Reports:

Reports may be given by Officers, Departments, Committees, or Council members concerning the current operations of the City. No action can be taken on matters presented under this title except to answer any questions or to refer the matter for further action.

  • Fire Chief Tod Allen said the department has been busy during grass fire season. He believes the department roster stands at 42 members.
  • Steve Hensel, Police Chief deferred to Lt Gary Young for department reports: 
    • it’s always a good night when we get to appoint a new officer; Officer Martinez is already in field training and doing a good job; 
    • K9 Hunk was approved as a certified narcotics dog with handler Officer Audrey Arbuckle on Oct. 17; through the hard work of Arbuckle and Sgt. Jon Pucket he is also one of the only K9s in the area who works off leash; Arbuckle and Hunk visited Lambs of Christ preschool where he again demonstrated his great demeanor.
  • Joy Stevensen, Library Director 
    • the library’s second author visit this month is Saturday with William Kent Krueger, author of the Crete Reads! selection “This Tender Land;” he is coming in Friday night to tour and visit with Doane English majors.
    • Author visit by Mary Pipher is scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 13, 2p.m.;
    • Another author is set to visit in the spring.
  • Brian Stork, Public Works Director:
    • last Friday General Excavation fixed the forced main to Smithfield property that was damaged during a county project;
    • Bauer Underground is working on gap paving projects to clean up rocks in the right-of-way and reseeding.
  • Tom Ourada, City Administrator:
    • in Public Works Committee discussion he shared a meeting he had with USDA Rural Development State Director Kate Bolz to discuss funding a fire station addition or new station; a current program offers funding using 35% grant coverage and 65% on up to a 40-year loan; they are meeting next week with more USDA staff;
    • He is also meeting on additional infrastructure projects including an east Crete sewer development system;
    • Kinetic is busy with the local fiber install project and in fact has brought in six additional crews from out of state to assist in the deployment;
    • property owners out of city limits have requested city service and they will make a formal request to be annexed, which bypasses certain procedural issues the city would be required to do if it proposed the annexation; this will go to the Planning Commission.

Meeting adjourned.


Summary for Crete City Council regular meeting - Tuesday, Oct. 4
View this Meeting Agenda and attachments

The council approved the Consent Agenda items:

  • Minutes of the following meetings: City Council Sept. 20, Public Works Committee Sept. 20, Public Safety Committee Sept. 20, Legislative and Economic Development Committee Sept. 20,
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Payment of claims against the City 

Officer Audrey Arbuckle and K9 Hunk made a visit to the council chambers where they demonstrated some of Hunk’s training using Czech commands. He also showed his excellent temperament as he met the mayor, council members, staff, and others present in the meeting. Officer Arbuckle explained their training routine and Hunk’s accomplishments so far, saying he is a high energy dog and very driven to work. They were on the way to a training session at Tuxedo Park with K9 teams from Beatrice and Pawnee County. A certification date has been set for Oct. 17.

The Council voted 6-0 to table the following item indefinitely: Public hearing on the issuance of a Class I Liquor License to Crete Event Center LLC at 1228 Main Avenue.

The Council voted 6-0 to approve Doane University's request to hold a bonfire at Tuxedo Park.

The Council voted 6-0 to approve Alpha Omega Alumni Association's homecoming event at the Crete Municipal Airport. City Administrator Tom Ourada explained these types of events have happened at the airport in the past and in the future these will come in front of the council now that the airport functions as a department of the city. This will be dealt with similar to other departments and other events.

The Council voted 6-0 to adopt Resolution 2022-10: A resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the Department of Transportation Annual Certification of Program Compliance. Ourada said this is an annual, statutory requirement from Nebraska Department of Transportation.

The Council voted 6-0 to authorize the extension of the City's Downtown Revitalization grant agreement with the Department of Economic Development. Current projects are behind due to supply chain issues and several projects needed a new contractor after one was arrested after taking several down payments for work. This extension is for one year.

The Council voted 6-0 to approve JEO's proposal for Crete's Westgate Blight and Substandard Study at a cost of $7,700.

  • Ourada explained the Public Works Committee talked about this issue and vetted it thoroughly. Developers interested in properties inside this area would like to apply for TIF as a funding mechanism for infrastructure development. In order for that to be a possibility, the area must first undergo a blight study. The size of this suggested area is such to make it substantial enough for a redevelopment area. A blighted designation has no effect on property values, but serves as a function of development.
  • Dale Strehle, Public Works Committee chair, said after a long discussion, including some concerns voiced about the stigma of the name “blighted areas”, the committee concluded this will get the process going for more development needed in the city. Developers will cover the study costs of $7,700.

The Council voted 6-0 to reject the bid received for the City Park expansion plan. 

  • Kyle Frans, Parks and Recreation Committee chair, said they want to move forward with this project, however, could not recommend accepting the only bid received for this project that was also higher that the engineer’s estimate. At the committee meeting Ourada pointed out the late date letting isn’t normally conducive to competitive bids, and in fact, led to only one bid. He believed there would be more interest leading to more competitive bidding in a rebid in the spring. The committee agreed in their vote to reject the lone bid.

The Council voted 6-0 to waive three readings and enact Ordinance 2158: An ordinance amending the design standards for accessory buildings in new developments.

  • Ourada said this was discussed at the Planning Commission meeting last Monday and they looked at the amendments carefully.
  • Ryan Hinz, Legislative and Economic Development Committee chair, said the committee felt this addresses some concerns with garages and accessory buildings and makes ordinances more in line with some new developments in Crete.

The Council voted 6-0 to ratify all actions of the City's LARM representative at the Annual Members' Meeting of the League Association of Risk Management on September 14, 2022. This action reaffirms votes made by Ourada as Crete’s representative at the annual members meeting. LARM requested this action of each member’s governing body.

The Council voted 6-0 to waive three readings and enact Ordinance 2159: An ordinance amending the wages and salaries included in Exhibit A of Ordinance 2157. Ourada and HR Director Wendy Thomas had previously spoken to the Personnel Committee about this ordinance. This item includes one other change that addresses the Police Lieutenant position and changes it to a Police Captain. Ourada said when looking at the array, this is an opportune time to do this. It also increases the salary commensurate with the duties of a captain.

The Council voted 5-0 (with one abstention) to approve the payment of claims to Crete Ace Hardware in the amount of $46.77.

Petition - Communication - Citizen Concern: 

Citizen testimony may be limited to 3 minutes per person. Please do not repeat testimony that has already be heard. No action can be taken on matters presented under this title except to answer any questions or to refer the matter for further action.

Officer Reports:

Reports may be given by Officers, Departments, Committees, or Council members concerning the current operations of the City. No action can be taken on matters presented under this title except to answer any questions or to refer the matter for further action.

  • Tom Ourada, City Administrator:
    • Melanie Martinez, our next police officer is coming in tomorrow to meet with me. Thursday she will meet with Lt. Gary Young and Wendy Thomas; she will be a tremendous addition to our force, she already resides in Crete;
    • We had annexation discussions with two committees concerning multiple property areas; we’ll start this process with the Planning Commission;
    • Electric Vehicle charging – I wanted to present the ever increasing number of recent charges: May - 9, June - 9, July - 6, August - 18, September - 30; with over 400kWh used in September;  I proposed a DC charger which is faster and for people who are traveling, however the current usage doesn’t warrant this cost of about $75,000; we’re on the lookout for grants; perhaps next year the usage would support this project.
    • Mayor Bauer talked to someone who uses the charging station and the only thing they don’t like is the current time to charge.
  • Dan Papik, Council member, Ward I, thanked everyone who put a lot of work into the pumpkin festival. It was a great day for the community.
  • Mayor Dave Bauer thanked everyone for their work on the pumpkin festival as well as the city department who had booths with games. The community turnout was great, games were fantastic, and kids enjoyed them.

Meeting adjourned.


