Downtown Revitalization Program
The City of Crete was one of five Nebraska communities awarded Downtown Revitalization (DTR) funds from Nebraska Department of Economic Development (NDED) in 2020. A $400,000 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) built on efforts to revitalize local buildings and spark commerce, enhance appeal, and promote vibrancy within Crete’s Downtown Historic District.
This second round of DTR funding awarded to Crete included updated program guidelines and applications. Owners applied for City Council approval of eligible rehabilitation projects with an approved contractor of their own choosing. Eighteen projects were completed as a result of this round of DTR funding.
In December 2016, the City was awarded $307,000 in CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) funds from the Nebraska Department of Economic Development to implement a commercial rehabilitation program to revitalize the City’s historic downtown. Matching funds of $102,333 were committed by the City’s LB840 Economic Development Program and a 20 percent match was provided by each property owner involved in an approved project.
Through this DTR program, Crete was among eight communities that received a share of $2,800,000 to complete Phase II (implementation) in the Downtown Revitalization category.
Program goals for the City in this round of DTR funding included improving the appearance of downtown, creating a sense of place, and promoting and preserving the historic character of downtown Crete. Priorities in this rehabilitation process included removal of metal awnings and non-historic materials, new fabric awnings and upper story window replacement, and restoration of transom windows and brick.
Facade removal for approved properties began late spring of 2018 and 16 projects were completed or were near completion by the end of the year. Six projects were projected to be completed in early spring 2019 and seven facades will be completed in the summer.
Through this round of DTR Phase II funding, over $500,000 will have been spent for a total of 29 front and side facades in Crete's downtown district.
CDBG DTR funds and local funds were used to reimburse 80% of total eligible project costs up to a total of $50,000. Owners were responsible for the remaining project costs. Businesses were encouraged to reach out to local lenders or Southeast Nebraska Development District (SENDD) for information about business loans.
The program goals are to eliminate blight conditions by enhancing the aesthetic and historical qualities of the Downtown Historic District; to improve the economic potential of individual buildings and structures and of the district as a whole, to strengthen property values, to improve access to first floor and upper floor development, and to attract new businesses, investments and residents to locate within the Downtown Historic District.
Priority was given to improvements that restore building or structure facades in compliance with State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) requirements, and projects that conform with the City’s Design Standards and revitalization priorities and goals. Examples of eligible activities include replacement of signage, awnings, windows, doors, repairs to exterior surfaces, masonry, or restoration of exterior design features. Improvements may also address documented municipal code violations.
Participation in this program requires a tiered environmental review process. For additional information please see the Environmental Review Record (ERR) and the Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds (NOI-RROF) and NOI-RROF en español.
Program documents and information:
The City of Crete is committed to complying with federal requirements in providing free meaningful access to its programs and activities for all persons. City Staff will provide interpretation services related to this program at no cost to the individual. For additional questions or to request additional information about the program, please contact:
Tom Ourada, City Administrator
City Hall - 243 East 13th Street
Crete NE 68333-0086
Phone: 402.826.4312
Visit the Community and Economic Development Office main page