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City of Crete Nebraska




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Crete Municipal Airport (CEK)

Crete Municipal Airport

Justin Haack, Airport Manager
City of Crete - Nebraska
2429 County Road F (East 13th Street)
Phone: 402.826.4408


Crete Municipal Airport has a 4,200 ft. paved and lighted runway and a 3,400 ft. sod runway. Other features include VVASI, VORDME, NDB-2 approaches, instrument approach, rotating beacon, Unicom 122.8, hangars, ties downs, lighted wind sock, fuel, aircraft rental and sales, training, full-time attendant and repairs.

The elevation at the airport is 1,498 ft., the latitude is 40°37’, and the longitude is 96°56’.

The Airport Advisory Board advises the city on operations at the municipal airport for the purposes of aviation operation, air navigation, and air safety operation. Board meetings are held once a month.

City of Crete Code: 11-604 Airport Zoning Map And Location: The boundaries, operation zones, approach zones, transition zones, and turning zones of the Crete Municipal Airport are indicated on the Airport Zoning Map. A copy of the Airport Zoning and Airport Zoning Map shall at all times be on file in the office of the City Clerk.

Crete Municipal Airport invoices (hangar rental, etc.) can be paid online through the Nebraska.gov Payport site.

Pay an airport invoice online