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City of Crete Nebraska




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Animal Control

Permitted animals, impounded dogs and cats, animal violations

Crete Police Department 
Police Station - 1945 Forest Avenue
Business Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Records Office: 402.826.6422

Mary Klahn, Police Administrative Assistant

The Crete Police Department is Crete’s Animal Control Authority and enforces Chapter 6, Article 1 of the City CodeThe key to animal control is owner responsibility. The city asks residents to: Please keep your animals under your control and make sure your domestic dogs and cats have appropriate identification tags.

(Information on impounded pets is at the end of this article.)

Owning and/or Keeping Animals

Owners are responsible for their animal(s).  Anyone who provides food, water or shelter to a stray or feral animal becomes its owner and is responsible for the animal and any offspring; this includes ensuring proper vaccinations, licensing, control, etc. (§6-103 [24], [29], [30]). City Code - Chapter 6, Article 1, Animals Generally

  • Permitted Animals: The city allows the following animals within city limits: domestic dogs and cats and other domestic animals limited to aquarium fish, domestic amphibians, domestic birds (parrot, cockatoo, parakeet, canary, mynah, or lovebird), domestic rabbits, domestic reptiles (nonvenomous, non-constricting snakes less than four feet in length), domestic rodents, and domestic ferrets.  Possession of other animals is prohibited. (§6-103[14], [34]; §6-104 to §6-107) 
  • Collar and Metallic Tags: Every domestic dog and cat and every service animal must wear a collar and have a rabies certification tag (issued by the owner’s veterinarian). On a separate tag (or on the reverse of one of the other tags) the city requires the owner’s name.
  • Owner’s Control/Animals Running At-Large: Owners are responsible for controlling their domestic dogs and cats. These animals may not run-at-large in Crete regardless of where an owner or the animal may reside. ((§6-105, §6-108.09, §6-110 to §6-110.03)
  • Service Animals: The City supports the lawful use and care of service animals recognized by state law. Owners of animals which do not receive such recognition must adhere to all City Codes which pertain to such animals. (§6-112 to §6-112.02)
  • Pet Recreation in Crete
    • Crete Waggin’ Tail Dog Park is on 3 acres at the corner of East 13th Street (West Sprague Rd.) and County Road 2400. Two large fenced areas each have a water hydrant and bowls, benches, and a shade pergola with table. The park is open from dawn to dusk and patrons are asked to adhere to the rules posted at the entrance. 
    • Wildwood Pool’s last day of the season in early August includes a Pooch Pool Party where owners are welcome to bring their dogs for an hour of swimming.

Impounded Animals & Animal Violations

At times, the city will impound or even hold animals. Owners wishing to retrieve their animal must do so within a short period of time, five business days. Before an impounded animal can be released, owners must 1) present a valid rabies vaccination certificate or pay for their animal to be properly vaccinated; 2pay all associated impound fees and costs. Animals not claimed after the holding period are transported to the Capital Humane Society in Lincoln where further inquiries should be made.

  • Visit or call the police station administrative assistant at 402.826.6422 to determine the proper fines/fees and to confirm the animal’s current rabies vaccination. If records are unavailable, the owner must provide proof of rabies and/or license the animal prior to release.   
  • Upon receipt of the proper fines/fees (or proper fees w/ referral for prosecution), confirmation of current rabies vaccination and confirmation of animal license (if appropriate), the Administrative Assistant will arrange a time for the owner to retrieve the animal from impound. 
  • Please call or email if you need assistance with this process.

  • City Master Fee Schedule: A comprehensive list of all city fees for services, permits, utilities, and programs across all departments and offices. View the Master Fee Schedule

  • If completing this process over the phone, fees may be paid online: The administrative assistant will provide a reference number to the animal owner. This number is necessary to ensure the proper tracking of payments. 
  • Go to Payment Options for releasing an impounded animal held by the Crete Police Department.

Owners who are in violation of other Animal Regulations may receive a citation and appear in court, should they desire. In most circumstances, owners may be permitted to pay the applicable fines. The city does not retain these fines. By law, these are passed to other governmental agencies.

  • Owners of an animal who has inflicted injury or damaged property may pay fees but will not be allowed to pay fines. In these circumstances, the owner will be referred for prosecution so that the court may consider possible restitution.  
  • Animals that have bitten someone or caused an abrasion to the skin may be held for a 10 day observation period if no proof of current rabies vaccination is available. 




